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Elaine Vermeulen
Elaine Vermeulen


Kitab Fathul Muin PDF Download

Kitab Fathul Muin is a famous book of Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh) according to the Shafi'i school of thought. It was written by Ahmad Zainuddin al-Malibari, a prominent scholar from India, in the 10th century Hijri. The book is a commentary on his own work, Qurratul Ain, which summarizes the essential matters of religion. Kitab Fathul Muin covers various topics of fiqh, such as prayer, zakat, fasting, pilgrimage, trade, marriage, inheritance, criminal law, and more. It is widely studied and referenced by students and scholars of the Shafi'i madhhab in many countries, such as Egypt, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mecca, Medina, Syria, Iraq, Sri Lanka, and others.


If you are interested in learning more about Kitab Fathul Muin and its author, you can download the PDF version of the book in Arabic or in translation. You can also find the meaning and explanation of the book according to the pesantren tradition in Indonesia. Here are some links to download Kitab Fathul Muin PDF:

We hope that this article will help you to access and benefit from Kitab Fathul Muin. May Allah bless you with knowledge and wisdom.


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